A photo of a single camp bed arranged on grass next to an old stone wall, clothes are neatly folded and walking maps piled next the bed.

**This deadline has now passed and we are no longer accepting submissions. All those who submitted should have received confirmation, please check your junk if you did not receive an email from us!**

FIELDNOTES is inviting submissions for its seventh issue!

We are interested in everything between almost nothing and becoming something. We are looking for new forms to think with/in. We are seeking submissions of text and visual material, including but not limited to: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, interview pitches, conversations, translations, work-in-progress, photography, drawing and collage. We welcome non-conforming submissions, works between text and image, experimental modes and innovations between genres.

Application guidelines and materials:


Opens: 1 December 2024
Deadline: midnight 2 February 2025 GMT


£3 / FREE for those on low incomes or unwaged / FREE for FIELDNOTES subscribers

You can claim the cost of submission as a discount against the purchase of any issue from our online shop using the discount code: FN007OPC


Please send submissions as attachments to:

  • Please pay the submission fee here or request a concessionary code by emailing info@fieldnotes.site.
  • Include the completed order number in the subject line of your email submission.
  • Complete and submit an Equal Opportunities Form online.
  • Text submissions: maximum 4000 words or 10 pages in Word or PDF format.
  • Image submissions: maximum 10 images, each no more than 2MB. Only TIFF, JPEG or PDF formats accepted.
  • Mixed submissions of text and image are welcome: maximum 10 images, 4000 words, 10 pages.
  • Please title each submission file with your name and a file number (example: Jane_Smith1.jpeg). This is important! Otherwise we can’t track your submission once it enters our database.
  • Please send submissions as attachments not as images embedded in the body of the email or as links for Wetransfer, Google Drive or similar.


If you are unable to pay the submission fee please get in touch with us at info@fieldnotes.site and we will send you a concession code. This is available to Universal Credit claimants, those in receipt of the Disability Living Allowance or any other kind of income support, those on minimum wage or in similarly precarious jobs. Please note: this is not a student discount. If you are able to, please consider paying the fee, we are a registered charity run primarily on volunteer time and goodwill.

FIELDNOTES subscribers, simply send us your submission from the email address used to set up your subscription with ‘Subscriber’ in the subject line.

The best way to get a sense of the kind of work we publish is to buy a copy of a previous issue (concessionary rates are available from our online shop, you can also claim your submission fee as a discount), we very much recommend getting to know the publication before submitting!

We are committed to a rigorous editorial process and we expect to edit all text submissions. This process is collaborative and based on mutual consent. Please only submit if you are happy to enter into this process with us! If visual works are selected for publication we will need high resolution print quality images (minimum 300 dpi) in order to publish them.

Contributors selected from the Open Call will be paid a fee (between £100-£200 depending on length of work) for original content not published elsewhere (online or in print – this does not include self-publishing).

We value every submission, although we cannot publish all the work we receive we are happy to give feedback for all submissions on request. Please request this feedback after you receive our decision, not before.

We are actively seeking contributions from underrepresented groups. Artists and writers who face cultural, social, physical or economic barriers to applying for opportunities in the arts are particularly encouraged to submit.

We have a policy of not publishing work by the same author twice so if we have already published your work we wont be able to do so again but please do stay in touch!

We are keen to be inclusive communicators, if you have any communication related access requirements, please feel free to share via: info@fieldnotes.site.

Please note: we automatically add the emails of those who submit to our monthly mailing list, if you would rather not be subscribed then please let us know when you submit.